I don’t even know where to start with this post, but I know it will be one of my most important posts in my blog book so it has to be made. It seems like people only hear the bad things that happen in people’s lives and they never get to hear the happy ending, well I am going to change that, because I want people to hear my happy ending. My blog is private so only people who really know me read this and those who really know me know my life. So you should know what this is all about and how much it means to me. This journey started when I was young. My parents raised me and taught me to have a strong testimony of the church and of forever families and all the other important things that come along with those. So that foundation was built by my sweet Mom and Dad which I will be forever grateful for. Then I was married 8 years ago in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple and what a very special day that was. I will never forget that day or the feelings that I felt on that day or the things that were said to me on that day. The one thing that stands out to me was “Marriage is never perfect and during hard times never forget this important day and the promises that were made”. Well little did I know that, that little sentence would be a marriage saver for me one day. I had a bomb and literally a bomb hit our marriage and it changed everything! I had two choices and both choices were what I called huge mountains, neither would be easy to climb. My Mom and I talked and cried often at how HUGE these two mountains were. I had a huge decision to make and at the time was young and emotionally a wreak I couldn’t think clear enough to make a wise decision. I relied on my family and church leaders to help me make that decision and it was the best thing I ever did. I know sometimes people make drastic decisions without thinking it out especially during hard times and I would have done that… I know I would have. I was given many priesthood blessings and I attended the temple very often and my sweet Dad said to me one day “You didn’t get married so that when things went wrong you could leave, you were married for it to be forever, you will do this and it will be okay”. Now I listen to everything my Dad tells me, I always have and I don’t think he has ever steered me wrong. I listened to his words over and over in my mind and I finally said “Okay Dad I will do this, it is going to be hard but I will trust you and hope it works out”. Really inside I wanted to tell my Dad he was crazy and I wasn’t going to listen to him. I thought…. this isn’t what a Dad is suppose to tell his daughter in this kind of situation. But I will be forever grateful for my Dad’s wise counsel on that day when I needed it the most. What a journey this has been, years of heartache, truly I was at my lowest of lows at times. But would I have changed it…No! What I have become and what my sweet husband has become could not have been greater. I thought I wanted that man I married back so many times, but what I got was the same man I married, only better, and for this I owe my Heavenly Father. It was a blessing in disguise, a life changing experience that brought us so close as a couple and as a family. I feel like I GOT to go through this… I didn’t have to. I climbed the highest of mountains and I fell more times than not along the way, but we made it!!!!! I could not have been more happy on this special day January 15, 2011 when I got to take my sweet little family into the temple. The tears rolled when I saw my children all in white, it was so beautiful. I will never forget this day, one more amazing memorable day that I have! I had so many good people help me along the way, so many people cheering me on and I am so grateful for those people in my life. I feel like I was picked up and carried on days that I couldn’t make it, I have angels along my side, we all do. I have such a strong testimony of faith, prayers and patience without those I would not have made it. I hope that through this story someone out there learns something important. I wish I could speak to everyone out there and tell them all that if I can do it they can do it! Life is not perfect but we can make it pretty close to perfect if we give it all we have, and I mean all we have!!! I am so grateful and I could not be happier right now in my life, I am truly blessed to call these people my Forever Family!! My sweet neighbor and friend came and took these pictures for me. It was cold so we made it very quick and I absolutely love them!! This was my fastest photo shoot ever taken of my family but by far my favorite because of how special they are to me. Thank you Amber http://www.ambervestphotography.blogspot.com/
Jaxon was cold and not very happy, but at least he stayed good for most of the pictures!
My sweet little girls….I love this picture of them! They were my lighthouses that got me through this!!
3 days ago
Natalie! I am so happy for you and your family! What a beautiful testimony. Tears! What an amazing day. We all have trials, and you give me strength for my own. Thank you...
Oh Nat! I am bawling my eyes out. I can hardly see to type. Keep needing to back space and delete the mistakes.
What a beautiful post! What a beautiful day! What a beautiful person you are. And so is your family.
I am SO glad you were able to be there (at this point in your life). All that hard work spiritually is so worth it. What an example you are to me and so many others.
I LOVE the pictures. It reminds me of when Dean and I and our little girls went there to the Idaho Falls temple to be sealed together forever. Boy did this ever take me back. ; D
Love you!
Thanks for sharing. I know it was for your own personal history and journal. But thank you!
Oh my word. TEARS TEARS TEARS! I am so happy for you and Josh! I know that feeling of being in the Temple with all your sweet little family, and there is truly nothing like it. You are SO incredible. I can't even start to tell you how much I admire you and Josh for getting to where you are today. You have a beautiful family and your faith has glued it together!
I just read and all I could do was cry! Thanks so much for sharing your testimony, love it. You are such a special person and have such a wonderful family. I love what you wrote about how you "got" the chance to go through this, what a wonderful way to change the perspective on life! Love ya!
I am so happy for you and Josh. Thank you for asking me to be there. I wish it wouldn't have been so cold so we could have spent longer on the pictures. I am so glad to have you as my neighbor and friend. You are a wonderful example of forgiveness and perseverance. I am so glad it was all worth it in the end.
I am so happy for you and your sweet family. You deserve it!! You are so amazing and are such a great example to me. Love you Nat!
What an amazing way to start out the new year. Your family is absolutely beautiful. Jaxon pulls the silliest faces... once again, reminds me of my little Gaugey. Thanks for all the little quotes Nat.
Natalie, I am so happy for you guys. You all look so happy in your pictures. I am so happy that everything worked out for you guys. You are amazing example of faith to me.
I am so happy for your family! Congrats!! I love the pictures, it is SO amazing to have your family in the temple together...heaven on earth!
Natalie! Like almost everyone else you have me crying! You are in such a good place in your life to be grateful for that trial. But I can see in your faces that it was the best decision. What gorgeous pictures, what a gorgeous family! Congratulations!
I am slow to hear your happy story, and I almost feel like an intruder to read it, but I am happy for you nonetheless! I got to take my little Quincy to the temple to be sealed, and it was so beautiful. I can imagine that taking all your children there was almost too much to bear. So sweet and special. We all go through trials, and it's nice to hear a happy ending. Congratulations!
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