"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley

Nov 2, 2009

Our Happy Halloween!!

We had a fun Halloween this year!! I haven't felt good and I needed to make it simple, so we did and it still turned out fun for the girls.

First of all...Maddy had a school party and they got to dress up in their costumes. Well since I was in the hospital earlier this week I was kinda out of the loop and wasn't on top of everything so I brought Maddy to school with no costume. Well I sat there in the car for a minute after dropping her off and realized that all the kids had costumes on, so I sent Kynzee running after Maddy to come back to the car. The first thing Maddy said to me was "What were you thinking Mom?? Everyone has a costume but me!" I felt horrible. So we drove back home put her costume on and went back to the school five minutes late and I was in trouble because I wouldn't let her wear her witch hat to school. It was not a good start for the day but it turned out okay and Maddy had tons of fun at her school Halloween party.

Then the next day Aunt Katie called and told me if I get the girls dressed up she will take them to her work and they do a fun Halloween parade and every one's department dresses up and decorates for Halloween. They had the Grinch, Horten hears a Who, Santa Clause, Pirates, and tons of other fun things for the girls to see. It was so much fun for them and they are still talking about it. It was so nice of Katie to take them for the day, the girls had fun and I got some rest.

Katie and Rodger with the girls! They loved Rodger's pirate costume.

Then on Halloween night we got the girls dressed up again and took them to a few houses and like I said kept the night simple. I stayed in the car most of the time and the girls had fun with their Daddy. They got plenty of candy from Katie's party so we knew we didn't want to go everywhere and overload them and me for the night. I let the girls pick their costumes out this year and this what they wanted to be!!

Our cute little witch
Snow Queen

Sweet little butterfly

Josh stayed home from Bear Lake to help with Halloween and boy was I glad to have his help!!

Katie and the girls on Rodger's fun bean bag!!!

Look at their cute pumpkins they carved!! I had to get a picture, fun fun!!


Lynn said...

Awwww.......how fun! I am glad it all turned out well for her at her school party. You look GREAT too! I hope you are feeling much better and rested.

Judy said...

Nan, thanks for the sweet comments. You made me cry. You are the same tho, down but helping and caring about others. Jp's mole was ok. Whoooo hooooo! I love the picture. As you know, I love Halloween!

Jenna said...

What a fun day! Those are some super cute little girls. I love that butterfly costume - so warm!! That is what you need in Idaho. I'm glad you had a fun day. I hope you get feeling better - just a few more weeks! :)

SueAnn said...

Cute costumes!! It sounds like you have had some real adventures lately...I hope things go well and that you get feeling better!!

Anonymous said...

The girls looked so cute :) I'm am so far behind, I hope all is going well for you now and especially the next few weeks. We'll be praying for you and Jaxon (cute name! and cute bedroom!).

Head Over Hills said...

I have been completely neglecting blogging lately. So, I haven't been keeping up with you. I'm so sorry to hear how difficult things are going. I hope things get better. Good luck over the next few weeks.

Oh, and your kids are so stinking cute. Love their costumes!

Peterson Family said...

the girls look so cute.

Pitcherfam4 said...

Halloween looks like it was lots of fun. Love the new background Nat. and I love that you ventured out of your comfort zone and put a little orange in the writing.

Natalie♥ said...

O Shalyce you crack me up!! I think I put that orange in there because of you :) Thanks for helping me with my blog Love ya :)