"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley

Feb 16, 2009

Watch out for running naked girls at my house!

It is official that this child of mine will not keep clothes on. It doesn't matter what I do she will take them off and run around naked. I even went to drastic measures and cut the feet off of her pajamas and turned the pajamas backwards so the zipper was in the back and still off they go. I chase her around everywhere trying to get her diaper and clothes back on. So the other day Maddy came to me to tell me Kenna was naked again and Kenna just happened to be right there and heard Maddy telling me so she took off running before I could get to her and she had this pink cowgirl hat on and ran for the couch and I grabbed the camera and this is what I got. She was trying to hide from me under that hat and then she gave me a look like "don't touch me Mom!" O she keeps me so busy some days. I love that girl a ton ♥♥♥♥


Camille said...

Those pictures are priceless! How frustrating, but how cute!!

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

Look at how cute she is! I was watching her on Sunday and couldn't get enough of her. I was so glad to read about your V-Day! It sounded PERFECT, and you deserve it!!

P.S. I am totally jealous of that red KitchenAid!!!

Judy said...

I seriously laughed out loud. That picture is priceless. these are the best years of your life.

Michelle said...

So funny Natalie! My baby girl (almost 1) hates clothes--she seriously can take off her pants and socks and often her shirts---I was hoping it would get better as she gets older-- but from what you have posted here I may not be so lucky! What a cute little cowgirl your little girl is--thanks for the laugh!!!

Lynn said...

LOL! What a frustrating thing for you for sure. But who can't love a face like that? She is so cute. She just wants to feel "free". : D

Lynn said...

P.S.. Think how easy it's going to be to potty train her. She already knows how to take her own diaper off. : D

Jenna said...

that is SO CUTE!!! Nothing like little naked bums running everywhere. my sympathies. :)

Unknown said...

i'm glad you grabbed the camera! Those pictures are sooo cute! We go through the same thing here, but Jenna hasn't figured out onsies yet so she always has one of those on lately!

Rachel said...

Those pictures look like professional ones! How cute. Your McKenna looks so much like Josh it isn't even funny!

Rachel said...

Those pictures look like professional ones! How cute. Your McKenna looks so much like Josh it isn't even funny!

Josh and Krystal said...

Those pictures are awesome. Just think, they will come in very handy someday! Ha! The pink hat is so classy!

Jay and Camille said...

Those are hilarious and yet so cute!

J-Babe said...

That is way cute:) It will be fun to tease her about them when so gets older:)

Becky said...

I love it! She is so funny! You can see the little mischevious look in her eyes! Luke thinks that clothes are optional at times too, they must get it from the Williams genes ;)!!