"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley

Dec 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Christmas morning with 5 kids is a whirlwind but so much fun!! The kids were up super early and dug through their stockings and played with their toys and were so excited for it to be Christmas! When Josh and I got up and Raegan finally woke up we opened presents and it was so fun for the kids they loved it! Raegan was so happy and was having such a fun time opening presents!! We had a wonderful Christmas morning and I felt so blessed to have a warm house and happy healthy kids and to have been given so much for Christmas, I truly am blessed and feel the Saviors love in my life and to be able to celebrate Jesus’s birth is so wonderful it truly is a Merry Christmas!!




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