"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley

Jun 30, 2013

Motorbike Ride

We went for a fun motorbike ride to fall creek with our friends the Fuhrimans. This was a blast!! It was a beautiful evening and no one was out it was just us and the trail and some deer. We hit a wild thunder and lightening and rain storm on the way out and it was scary but we made it out alive. I took a couple bad crashes on hillsides that dropped off the side of the mountain and it scared me so bad I don’t know if I will ever to go to the very top again. We usually just ride with the kids so we make it easy but this was more difficult. We had a lot of fun but I was thrilled to make it back to the truck that night. I use to ride like this all the time when I was younger I would go with my dad and brothers and it never scared me but now a Mommy with 5 kids I have got to be a little more careful.

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1 comment:

Lynn said...

Look at you girl!! I am totally impressed!