"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley

Jun 23, 2012

Are in you there?

Jaxon is such a funny boy, he seriously makes me laugh and not just a tiny laugh one of those really hard laughs…every single day!! He put these huge goggles on one day and got really close to Raegan and it was not close enough so he got even closer to where he was smashing her nose and I could hear him say “Are you in there”? I was sitting on the cough and just happened to have my camera and wanted to take a picture of him wearing the goggles and then I got to take pictures of this instead, I love it. I love these two sweethearts.DSC_5600
Just a little bit closer!!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

LOL!!!! I can't stop laughing. This is just SO funny! Love his sweet innocence.

P.S. Your baby girl is just so adorable too. I wish I lived closer....I would love to hug and cuddle her.