"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley
Jun 14, 2012
Daddy and Raegan
I was lucky enough to have Josh at the hospital with me for all four days that I was there. He helped me out a lot with Raegan because getting in and out of bed was terrible. There is one thing I wont forget and that is going into the operating room alone and leaving Josh in the hallway until they had me all ready for the c-section, I have never felt so alone and cold. When he finally came in he held my hand and it felt so good to have him there, I was no longer alone and his presence made me feel so much better. Having c-sections is so scary for me and to know that someone was with me made all the difference in the world. He really did so much for me in those four days. He went on many walks with me through the hallways as I was trying to get better, even if it was late and he could hardly keep his eyes open. He made sure the nurses were bringing in pain pills right on time so that the pain didn’t get out of control. He went and got me food when I didn’t like what they brought me from the cafeteria. He was so good to sit and hold and love on our sweet baby girl. At times I would look over from my bed and find him sleeping with her in his arms so I would reach for my camera (that was always very close to me) and I would snap a quick picture of the two of them. I feel like this time that the three of us had at the hospital was a special time and was very needed. We joke about this, but it is so true, Josh and I never spend time alone unless it is in a hospital when I have a baby or when I had my thyroid surgery. Maybe someday we could change that and actually go somewhere fun together instead of a hospital. I love watching Josh with our children and I hope he realizes how close they watch him and how much they love him and look up to him. Here are some pictures of how Josh and Raegan spent their time together.
Josh and I were married in September of 2002. We have four sweet little girls and a handsome little boy. Maddy 11, Kynzee 9, Makenna 7, Jaxon 5, and Raegan 2. I am a stay at home mommy right now and I am loving every minute of it. I wouldn't trade my job for the world. I love my husband and my children more than anything, and this blog is really all about our lives together. We have so much fun as a family. Life is a journey, not always an easy one, but we are making the most out of each day!
“One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.” Thomas S. Monson
1 comment:
Beautiful! What a great dad he is. And husband.
Time passes by so very quickly. Someday there will be that time to spend alone, just the two of you. But for now......
It's all so worth it. ; )
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