We had one of those busy days when at the end of the day you feel very thankful that everyone survived and was happy. The girls have been working so hard in ballet because the Nutcracker performance is coming soon. For a practice they got to go to an Elementary school and perform a tiny piece of the soldier dance. It was so fun to watch them because I haven’t seen them dance their new parts this year at all. I am really looking forward to the Nutcracker, I love watching it and I can’t wait to see my cute girls on stage. After the assembly we hurried home and we redid hair and makeup and costumes and then the girls performed at the festival of trees for their other dance. The festival of trees was so fun to go to and it was a treat to watch my girls dance some more. After all the dancing I had told the girls we would go to dinner so I took them all out to dinner. And yes Jaxon was with us at every event of this day I just never got a picture of him, he was such a good sport all day long. Josh had to work so I was flying solo and I think we did pretty good.
Festival of Trees