"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley

Oct 30, 2011

Carving Pumpkins

This is one of the parts of Halloween that is not my favorite. It makes the biggest mess but the kids sure love it. I am glad the kids can do a lot of it by themselves.  I like cutting the lids all different and fun but other than that it is just a big mess. Maddy made her own design this year and cut it all out by herself, Kynzee wanted a ghost and kenna wanted a pumpkin and we just carved Jaxon a cute face. We got tons of pumpkins in our garden this year and I was so excited that the kids got to watch them grow and then carve them. Jaxon did not like the pumpkins at all, he wanted nothing to do with them, he wouldn’t even touch them. Maddy showed him the face on his and he hated it he kept pushing it away, crazy boy!! So glad pumpkin carving is off of the to do list this week.DSC_3865DSC_3867DSC_3869DSC_3874DSC_3877DSC_3881DSC_3885DSC_3889DSC_3891DSC_3893DSC_3897DSC_3899DSC_3894DSC_3882DSC_3880DSC_3906DSC_3909DSC_3917DSC_3923DSC_3927DSC_3930DSC_3931DSC_3944DSC_3936DSC_3937DSC_3943


Pitcherfam4 said...

that's hilarious. Jaxon looks totally disgusted by the whole thing. Love the pumpkins... Happy Halloween.

Judy said...

They are so good!!!! Love those pumpkins and kids!

Lynn said...

Hey! Those are GREAT pumpkins. They did a good job.

Love their Halloween T-Shirts too. You are so fun with traditions.