"Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride." Gordon B. Hinckley

Jun 27, 2011

Camping at Fall Creek

We went camping with our friends for the weekend and we had a blast! Seriously we had so much fun and so did the kids. I laughed so hard at times I think I worked more stomach muscles than I knew I had. Our kids played so hard with their cute little friends and they got along so well with each other it was wonderful. We love to play and have fun with friends!!! We had a beautiful weekend except for maybe those pesky mosquitoes (I hate those things)!! This is our weekend full of lots of memories in the hundreds of pictures I took and stole from Rachel’s blog :)

Our campIMG_0586

The cooks (gotta love those camp chefs that only the men know how to operate)


Hanging out at camp!


Picking flowers for Mom (I use to do this for my Mom)


Playing games


Jaxon getting ready to go for a motorbike ride! He loves the motorbikes.


The girls going for a hike, they were so cute together!


They hiked clear up to the top but in this picture they are half way.


Popping popcorn and watching movies in the trailer.


Sitting by the fire and roasting marshmallows, love it!!!


Eating square ice cream…yummy!!


Both of our families together on all the motorbikes and 4-wheelers, fun fun!!


Rachel and I got to go on a short motorbike ride it was so much fun!


We went on a ride as families and it was beautiful being in the mountains, the kids did so good on their motorbikes.


The kids made a trail around camp and they rode and rode until they ran out of gas.


I was learning how to pop a wheely and ride in the wheely, and it was so fun! I laughed so hard!


We did lots of motorbike riding!!


These two were so cute on their training wheel bikes!


Josh and I had fun racing each other!!



Lynn said...

I am so behind since not having a computer working. This was fun to catch up on your blog.

I laughed with you when I see you riding that bike and popping wheelies. So cool!!

Kate said...

You crack me up you and those bikes:)