Another month has gone by and now Jaxon is 8 months old!! I just cannot believe how fast the time is going by. This boy is a character and he makes me laugh so much every day! He pulls the funniest faces. He loves to chew on his hands and he always has them in his mouth :) He gets really shy around everyone including me and does this hand thing where he thinks he is hiding but really he is very visible to the eye :) He also tips his head to the side when someone is looking at him. He sits up really good and is scooting around the house very slowly (almost crawling) I am okay as long as he stays moving slowly!! He is finally sleeping in his crib and not his swing and I no longer wrap him up like a "glow worm" in his blanket, instead he grabs his blanket and wraps himself up. He loves his binky (my first binky baby out of four) and it is actually kinda nice because he sleeps good with it! Jaxon weighs 19 pounds and is still very short. He is so snugly and lovable. He is still very loved in our home and always will be by many girls :)
Christmas break
1 week ago