We decided to take off for New Years and go to Salt Lake and Park City Utah and have some fun! My cousin was getting married in Salt Lake after New Years so we went a couple days earlier to see the lights at Temple Square, they were beautiful! It was so fun to see my kids look at all the lights in awe at how beautiful it was, heaven on earth is what I was thinking. Then New Years Eve at the Salt Palace they were having a big celebration with so many fun activities for the kids with bounce houses and balloons and rooms with glow in the dark balls and lots of food, it was so fun the kids had a blast! After the New Years Eve Party they lit off fireworks right by our hotel so that was so fun! I have a good friend who had a horrible year and her husband left her and their wedding anniversary is new years eve so she wanted some new memoires and wanted to be pre occupied with something fun instead of sitting at home so I talked her into meeting us in Salt Lake and we spent New Years Day eating a yummy breakfast with her and her daughter and then we headed to Park City to the sled hill and went sledding and it was an absolute blast!!! Kids will never forget how fun this was, even little Rae loved it! Then we went ice skating at a rink there in Park city and my friend taught my girls how to skate, they loved it! We spent a lot of time swimming at the hotel and warming up in the hot tub since it was so cold outside. We went to the Salt Lake Temple where my cousin was married and spent the day with my family for the wedding and reception and it was a beautiful day for them and it was fun spending that time with my family. We spent a day at Scheels which is a new sporting goods store there kinda like Cabellas with animals and fun things for the kids to do, they got to ride a ferris wheel while Josh and I shopped so that was great! We had a wonderful week together and made a lot of memories with each other that I will never forget! I was so happy to be able to start the new year off so good and to have so much fun with each other. I am so thankful that Josh loves to travel and do fun things with us as a family and will take time away from his busy schedule to do things like this with us. I was glad to end the year of 2013 and excited to start a new year!!
Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
1 week ago